Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Single Day Adventures

The summer has come and nearly gone, and as usual, I've had difficulty pulling a series of days together to have a "vacation". This year, as August has rapidly marched by, I decided to sign up for a couple "Day Trips" offered by local tour bus companies. Its been a delight.

Yesterday (Tuesday, Aug. 22) felt like a vacation to paradise...or at least a little taste of it. We took Denny's American Classic Tours, Inc.'s - Door County/Washington Island trip.

Door County is the peninsula that shoots up above Green Bay, WI, forming the Green Bay. Its a vacation haven to many people. The weekday day trip was crowds! Door County is extremely busy on weekends, since it's a quick trip from Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chicago...and known as "the spot" where folks from Illinois go to get away.

We rode the ferry over to Washington Island, had lunch there and saw a few sights, and then returned to spend some time in Fish Creek, before ending our day. The following are a few pictures of our travels. It was fun!

This picture is of a ferry boat coming back from Washington Island, loaded down. Note the logging truck filled with logs!

John got a kick out of the ride. We both really enjoyed the lake breeze in our faces as we rode the ferry across "Death's Door". That is Washington Island in the background as we are coming up on it.

I'll publish a few more photos in the next few days with additional blogs.


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Anonymous said...

Blogging a first birthday party: Invitations
Our younger daughter, Wallie, turns one in about a month. We are in the planning stages of her party, and, of course, this includes ordering invitations.

Growing roses is easier than a lot of people think. Blogging about roses too, I guess! Never got to bloggin myself. But I've got a growing roses site! We can only do one thing at the time, can we. Well - I'll bookmark your blog: feel free to check out my site if you got time! :-)