Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Late Night Energy

Ever have one of those days where your energy just doesn't seem to reach peak until its around 10 p.m. at night? I have those every so often. Last night was one. Its like you are thinking...hmmm, its getting around bedtime....and then, all of a sudden, motivation and energy come together (TFS goes away) and you find yourself getting more done than you accomplished the entire (lazy) day.

I decided to take advantage of the energy last night...compiled my year-long academic calendar with all the important dates. That took 1 1/2 hours, and then it was on to cleaning the kitchen - or finishing up what I'd started hours before. I hauled out the trash for garbage day, hauled out the recycle stuff. Then I was inspired to rinse out the recycle container I keep in my kitchen. Next thing I knew, it was 1 a.m. and I was outside hand-watering my extensive garden--since I had the hose out, why not?. Etc. etc. I knew it was late when the backyard light turned off...its on a timer. I used my "woman's sight" to wander around watering things in the dark.

Now its another day. Sure was nice to wake up to a clean kitchen as well as not worry about missing getting the garbage hauled on garbage pickup day.

1 comment:

Dustin said...

Yep. That was pretty much my thesis schedule the whole time....