Friday, November 23, 2007

Black we go again

It is the day after Thanksgiving, and that means that everyone is going crazy after the crazy Christmas sales and things. You know, those 4 a.m. sales for those who must get the best deals for the material Christmas presents. Bah Humbug...oh...did I say that? My Christmas wish is for my bills to be paid off. Think of it? Isn't that the best Christmas present with the rising cost of things? So..instead of spending money on "things", think about helping each other out with our ever increasing American debts.

I also noticed that the outdoor Christmas decorations are springing up in my neighborhood, so it is time to post my Twinkle-Light Deer Poem once again:

12/16/2005, by S. Weisflock:
Twinkle Light Robotic Deer

In my neighborhood:
Forests of twinkle lighted spiral wire trees grow up over night, competing for space with the living ones.

Twinkle light robotic deer-in-motion amble ever so slowly through the wire tree forests, cautiously looking about.

Twinkle lighted candycane fences built along sidewalk edges, either fence the deer in...or out...I'm not sure which.

Plastic lighted Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are oblivious to the gathering lighted herds, although blow-up giant Santa seems aware as he keeps watch by night.

As the deer move on, the welcoming billowing Snowmen, Sponge Bob, and Packer Football Player bob greetings in the night...only to deflate to silent sheets on the grass by morning.

And are joined in daylight by white wire framed deer and spiral tree sculpture awaiting the magical nightfall to come again with the breath of light.

For a bit more fun, here's my
Christmas Version of "The Eensy Weensy Spider",

By Susan Weisflock, 11-23-2007
Christmas Spider

The Eensy Weensy Spider climbed on an autumn leaf
Up came the wind and blew it ‘cross the street
Down feel the leaf, it landed on some steps
The Eensy Weensy Spider wondered what to do next.

The Eensy Weensy Spider scampered to the door
Climbed along the wall to the living room floor
It found a corner dark, to spend the afternoon
Until it was whisked out, by a woman with a broom.

The Eensy Weensy Spider landed in the snow
Eight cold wet feet, it shivered from the cold
Back into the house, it must go or it would die
Through a window sill it sneaked, and there it caught a fly.

The Eensy Weensy Spider climbed up the Christmas tree
There it remained, spinning webs with glee
The webs shown red and green, as the lights twinkled off and on
The Eensy WeEensy Spider remained there til dawn.

The Eensy WeEensy Spider heard Santa on the lawn
He burst in the room, …singing Christmas songs
Spider quickly spun a stocking out of web
The Santa left a flea, that was biting Rudolf’s head.

The Eensy Weensy spider climbed up Santa’s snout
Out came a sneeze and blew the spider out
Down on the sled, the spider scampered round
Until the Wensy spider climbed up on Rudolf’s crown.

The Eensy Weensy spider rode high on Rudolf’s crown.
From high up on his head, it could see all around town.
The sled sped on and on, Rudolf’s nose twinkled bright.
Merry Christmas to All, and to all a Good Night!

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