Saturday, January 21, 2006

Christmas Here and There

If you read my posts below on a "professor's life" and such, you might think that I "skipped" Christmas. Well, I did fit it in. Here are a few pictures:
Where's the Christmas Tree? Well, see that little pine tree in the center? It has a red bow on it! That is our 2005 Christmas tree. It is a Black Hills Spruce...a tree I bought at Walmart during the clearance sale in September. I have been keeping it in a pot, so it came inside for the holidays and is currently a houseplant.

Of special interest to me, of course, is the fact that there is a TOMATO PLANT right there with all the Christmas presents. Yes, you are seeing right. That plant has ripe tomatoes on it. It is the plant that I plucked ripe tomatoes from at Thanksgiving. Sadly, however, I must report that the plant passed on to "plant heaven" not long after Christmas. I now only have 2 tomato plants living from last summer's garden....but, with nuture...I hope to have them back in the ground come springtime!

Here are a couple pictures from our Christmas Dinner at my husband's sister's house:

We had a terrific time! Lasagne,
Ham, Salad,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Doctor,
Photos of TOMATO PLANTS?!?!
Really, your college education taught you to be more creative than that! Didn't a prodigy friend of yours introduce you to WHITE ON WHITE?!?!?