Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fall Colors Fading

The weekend has brought rain and wind to our portion of Wisconsin. That means that the colorful leaves on trees in our neighborhood have nearly all fallen to the ground. I thought, however, that I'd share a few more pictures that I took while driving thru Sheboygan a couple weeks ago. As of now, bare trees are dotting the landscape far more as the season marches towards winter. The rain, however, was very welcome.

And speaking of rain!! It did seem strange to have a full blown thunderstorm rumbling and flashing on a northern November night! I can't remember ever experiencing such at this time of year. Lightening flashing in thru my window, rain pounding down in torrents.

Snow and blizzards...that's what I'm accustomed to. Late October (sometimes earlier) is the time when snow begins to fall and blanket the earth....but that was in Western places like Colorado, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming...... I don't have enough Wisconsin experience to know if this is a strange thing. I'm not "wishing" for snow...although I sure do love using the snow blower to move it off of the sidewalk and driveway. (That's me in this picture - Jan. 05).

I'm quite fascinated with these "warmer" days this time of year. I still have tomato plants growing under plastic tents! I still have Swiss chard, rhubarb, broccoli....happily growing with some under plastic cover and others just fending along in the elements. My desire to have veggies for harvest at Thanksgiving is close to coming true. No "hard freeze" nights in the forecast for this week. So....2 1/2 weeks to go!


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